Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday, What A Day

I generally find vestiges from earlier times fascinating, and covered bridges are no different.  That I'd never seen one in person before Saturday never made any nevermind to me.  I'd read somewhere about the Locust Creek Covered Bridge and how it was the only covered bridge left in Pocahontas County--I'd even found it on my county map and circled it in purple marker.  I didn't want to forget to check out this bridge.  Well, while I was driving home from my excursion to the Droop Battlefield, I noticed a Locust Creek Road.  Since I had no plans, I decided to turn down the road and see if I couldn't find myself a bridge.
And hey, guess what!
I freely admit to getting really spooked while walking through it, but it was so worth it.
It's no longer in use, of course, and the modern bridge is to the right of it in this photo.
I loved these stones, laid out on either end of the bridge.

I made another discovery along Locust Creek Road, actually.  If you've ever seen the movie Patch Adams, with Robin Williams, you might recall that the real Patch established a clinic in the wilds of West Virginia.  I don't think I ever knew where it was located, which is a claim I can no longer make.  Here's the sign as you're driving from the bridge...
And here's the front!
I don't know if it's the power of suggestion or what, but as I stepped out of the car to take these, I was seized with a fit of sneezes.  Well played, Patch Adams.  Well played.

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